Home of Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction


Sientra is focused on empowering people to change their lives through increased self-confidence and self-respect. We are committed to providing transparent, evidence-based information about our products to help physicians and patients make an informed decision.

Backed by unrivaled clinical and safety data, Sientra’s portoflio includes a comprehensive portfolio of round and shaped breast implants.

The first fifth-generation breast implants approved by the FDA for sale in the United States.

The ground-breaking AlloX2®breast tissue expander with patented dual-port and integral drain technology, the next-generation AlloX2Pro™, the first and only FDA-cleared MRI-compatible tissue expander, the Viality™ with AuraClens™ enhanced viability fat transfer system, and SimpliDerm® Human Acellular Dermal Matrix.

If you’re ready to explore your options regarding breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery, we encourage you to reach out to your board-certified plastic surgeon.

Breast Augmentation

See The Silhouette You've Always Wanted

Breast Reconstruction

Find the support you need


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