We Care About You

Extremity Care, LLC, Conshohocken, PA


Extremity Care offers advanced cell and tissue technologies that support regeneration and repair of the patient’s own tissues. Paired with our careLOG™ shipping logistics solution we provide compliant handling for your clinic.

At Extremity Care, we offer a diverse portfolio of cell and tissue products including placental allografts, xenografts, acellular dermis, adipose tissue, and conservative wound care products.

We focus on technologies that support the repair, reconstruction, replacement, or supplementation of the patient’s own tissue.

We provide compliant just-in-time handling of human tissue to and from the clinic with our careLOG™ shipping logistic. careLOG™ is a patient-specific Allograft shipping logistic. The package contains the tissue and all billing-related documents needed to request reimbursement.

Through our dedicated AATB accredited tissue bank and tissue processing facilities, we are at the forefront of cell and tissue engineering and strive to be good stewards of the precious gift of tissue donation.

Our mission is giving others health. Extremity Care’s comprehensive cell and tissue portfolio empowers our patients with enabling solutions to support the body’s own ability
to heal itself.

Our Product Categories

Placental Tissue Logo
Xenograft Tissue Logo
Conservative Wound Care Logo
Acellular Dermis Logo

About Extremity Care

We are the leading provider of Human Cell and Tissue Products (HCT/P) that are specifically designed to support patients with conditions that disrupt the regenerative powers of the body. Our cutting-edge technologies are aimed at providing therapeutic solutions for wound healing and supporting the cellular restorative process.

Our HCT/P products are carefully developed and rigorously tested to ensure safety, efficacy, and compliance with regulatory standards. They are sourced from ethically obtained human cells and tissues, and are processed and stored using state-of-the-art-techniques to maintain their quality and potency.

carePatch Logo
Barrera Logo
Coll-e-Derm Logo
completeFT Logo
Procenta Logo
proMatrix Logo
Resolve Matrix Logo
RestOrigin Logo
xCellerate Logo
alloPLY Logo
caregraFT Logo
ACApatch Logo

Conservative Wound Care Treatment

carePAC™ is a pre-configured, physician-prescribed sealed pouch that contains wound management products relevant to the indication.

Allograft Logistic

careLOG™ is a patient-specific allograft shipping logistic. The package contains the allograft, and all billing-related documents needed to request reimbursement.

Insurance Verification Process

Our team supports with verifying if insurance coverage is applicable.

Request Submission Logo
Verification Logo
Benefit Summary Logo
Reimbursement Support Logo


We look forward to seeing you soon!

If you’re unsure of how to get to our office or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Extremity Care, LLC
555 E North Ln, Ste 5000, Bldg D
Conshohocken, PA 19428

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