The Gift of Healing
bioCARE Donor Tissue Network

bioCARE provides comprehensive tissue recovery from both living and deceased donors. As a leading organization in the field, bioCARE coordinates the entire process of tissue donation, from obtaining consent to the meticulous process of recovering and processing of tissues. Our state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained professionals ensure that every step is conducted with the utmost care, prcesion, and adherence to the highest safety standards.
Whether facilitating dontations or honoring the wishes of deceased donors, bioCARE is dedicated to transforming donations into life-saving and life-enhancing opportunities for recipients, and we work tirelessly to honor the altruistic gifts of donors, providing education to families and communities about the profound impact of tissue donation.

Deceased Donation
The donation begins with the generous decision of individuals or their families to dontate tissue. Once authorization is obtained, highly trained professionals conduct a through medical and social history review to ensure the donor’s tissue is safe for transplantation.
This review is followed by a meticulous screening process that includes laboratory testing to check for infectious diseases, ensuring the highest safety standards are met.

Living Donation
bioCARE leads the nation in the development of placenta donation programs, pioneering seamless and safe donor and hospital integration.
We value and honor the work that we do. We are honored to be able to witness new lives being born; from that miracle and the generous donation by the mother. We are stewards of the tissues on the path to helping others. The journey is emotional and personal to us, too.
To find out more, please visit us at Birth Tissue Recovery.
Utilization of Donated Tissues
Donated tissues undergo extensive processing and preservation. This process involves clearing, sterilizing, and treating the tissues to ensure they are safe and effective for transplantation. These tissues are then stored under specific conditions that maintain their integrity until they are needed.
Donated tissues have a profound impact on medical treatments and patient outcomes. They are used in a variety of surgical procedures, including reconstructive surgeries, burn treatment, ligament and tendon repair, and heart valve replacement. Corneas from donors can restore sight to individuals with corneal blindness. Each donated tissue not only enhances the quality of life for recipients but also provides a lasting legacy of generosity and compassion from the donor.